The 2 biggest mistakes creators make

Do not drown in a sea of saturation

It finally happened - you got a great idea for a valuable post. 

You gather all your inspiration, sit down to write, bravely fight the urge to distract yourself … and bam! 

Your first draft is done.

You put your head down and give it a good edit - you even read it aloud.

Okay… It’s not a masterpiece. But it’s valuable information, right?

You feel good about your chances this time. 

No overthinking - you hit publish.

The result?

10 views - 3 likes

1 comment from a friend.


“Okay …  I just need to stay consistent - keep posting”

You’ve heard this is how it’s supposed to go - but you hate it.

(You secretly feel it’s all a waste of time)

There’s a voice inside you - your inner guru - that says:

Relax, all you need is to be consistent and give value … and you will make it happen.

Oh dear, I feel for ya.

You fell right into the trap. The land of cliché gurus and fake freedom promises. Where your dreams of 6-figures and 2-hour work days are just a few months away.

It’s getting old…

“You need to be consistent - and give out lots of value.”

The golden tandem of online clichés.

Such cookie-cutter advice insults the intelligence of people.

Keeps you on a never-ending content hamster wheel where “hard work” will solve all your problems.

This is just the wrong way to go at it - and the only people who benefit are those selling another course, and another course, and another.

Truth is that the online business game is more crowded than ever.

And it’s not only your direct competitors…

You are competing with Netflix.

You are competing with YouTube.

You are competing with TikTok.


Posting consistently every day and improving 0,1% will not get you there.

Here’s what we need to focus our efforts on.

Let’s dive right into it.

1 - Study Attention

Attention is the name of the game.

That’s where 80% of the battle is won.

Doctors have patients. Businesses have clients. Right?

What are the 2 things that have “users”?

Drugs and Apps.

App developers have the master key to our attention. 

They know our brains way better than we do.

To level the playing field, you need a bare minimum understanding of how brains work to compete for attention.

Learn which levers to push to pull attention.

The second you need is to…

2 - Stand Out

“Providing value” in terms of information is not enough.

Google has conquered that territory - ChatGPT has entered the fight.

A brand? A brand is basically a message.

It’s also not enough.

Your message is probably similar to other brands in your niche, which are 10 times your size.

Who do you think people will listen to?


Your best bet is to create a new category.

To carve out a lane for yourself.

That means you need to be different - find a way to be unique. 

Even if what you sell is not unique, you need people to perceive you as unique.

Makes sense?

Let’s do a quick recap.

Consistent value (information) is nowhere near enough to make a dent in online business today.

You need to master attention - and you need to stand out from competitors.

But let’s take it one step further…

You can hit both birds with one stone.


3 - Master Storytelling

This is the holy grail of persuasion.

The ethical way to convince people to buy into your message (and into you) - and buy into your offer.

That’s how you get your business going in a saturated market.

If any of this rings true to you…

Leave me a quick reply 🙂 - Share it with one friend.

Much love,


PS - If you want more clarity on any of these factors - or if you’d like to zero in on your unique storytelling powers to boost your offer - reply “CLARITY” and let’s talk about your situation